Peter: Alright, so 1 Peter 5. Let's see, it starts off with Peter telling the elders to be shepherds of God's flock. Stewie: Peter, excuse me, but why don't you just tell them to get a flock of sheep and to take care of them like a shepherd? Peter: No, Stewie, it's a metaphor. He's telling them to watch over and care for the people in the church, just like a shepherd would with his flock. Brian: So, like, are they supposed to be like a shepherd and just make sure their sheep don't get into trouble? Peter: Well, yes, that's part of it. But they should also be willing to serve and help out with whatever the people need. Stewie: Like, if someone needs help with their taxes? Peter: Sure, why not? Just like a shepherd would take care of his flock. But it's also about being humble and not thinking of yourself as better than anyone else. Brian: So, like, if you're a shepherd, you have to make sure that you don't have a big ego and lord it over the sheep? Peter: Exactly. So that's what this chapter is all about. Stewie: And don't forget the pop culture reference! Peter: Right, the last verse says "God bless you all, just like Gandalf said in The Lord of the Rings!"