Peter: Alright everyone, let's go over 2 Peter 1.
Stewie: Ugh, this is so boring! When can we watch The Lion King?
Peter: Stewie, this is important. 2 Peter 1 talks about how we should add virtue to our faith so that we can make our calling and election sure.
Lois: Yeah, and it's important to remember that the Lord is patient, not wanting us to perish but wanting us to come to repentance.
Brian: Can we make this a drinking game? Every time someone says "repentance" we take a shot.
Peter: No, no drinking games. But it's true that we should try to add more knowledge and self-control to our faith, and it will make us more productive and fruitful in our knowledge of God.
Chris: That's a lot of words. Can we watch Toy Story now?
Peter: No, Chris, we need to finish this. It also says that if we don't practice the things we have learned, we are blind and forgetful and our faith won't go anywhere.
Stewie: Ugh, this is so lame. When can we watch Avengers: Endgame?
Peter: Not now, Stewie. 2 Peter also says that we need to be diligent and make sure we are growing in grace and knowledge of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.
Lois: That's a great reminder for us. We need to make sure we are growing in our faith and deepening our relationship with God.
Brian: Yeah, and then maybe we can watch The Lion King afterwards.
Peter: Sure, if we get through the rest of 2 Peter first.