[Peter] "So, um, 1 Samuel 30... That's... um... oh yeah, that's when David and his crew attack the Amalekites and rescue their wives and children. That's like when Stewie and Brian went to save Rupert from that evil toy-maker, you know? Except it was with swords and spears instead of a giant mech suit. [Lois] "That's right, Peter. And then David gets revenge on the Amalekites and takes back all the stuff they stole. Just like when Peter and Quagmire fought off the evil chimney sweep. [Chris] "And then David shares all the stuff he got with all the people who fought with him. It's like when Peter and Joe shared the last Twinkie that Peter found in the attic. [Brian] "Oh, and then David gives some of the stuff to the elders of the towns around there. Just like when Peter gave his last bag of pork rinds to the family of the guy who saved him from the giant clam. [Stewie] "And then he and his men go back to their home town, Ziklag. It's just like when Brian and Stewie went back to Quahog after they stopped the evil monkey that was wreaking havoc. [Meg] "Yeah, that's right. The end. [Peter] "Wow, what an epic adventure!"