Peter: Alright, here's the deal. So, this one's from the Bible, 1 Samuel 1. So, it's like a long time ago, and there's this guy, Elkanah, and his wife Hannah. And they're not having any luck having a kid. So they go to the temple and Hannah prays to God and says, "If you make me have a baby, I'll dedicate him to you".

Lois: Alright, that's so sweet. But what happened?

Peter: Well, God heard her prayers, and she got pregnant and had a son, and she named him Samuel. So, Elkanah and Hannah went back to the temple to thank God and celebrate, and Elkanah gave a sacrifice to the Lord.

Stewie: Wow, what a story. So, what else happened?

Peter: Well, Hannah kept her promise, and she dedicated Samuel to the Lord, and he ended up becoming a priest. The end.

Lois: Wow, that's a pretty cool story.

Stewie: Yeah, and it's got a lesson in it too. That if you make a promise to God, you gotta keep it!

Brian: Amen to that, Stewie! Now, if you'll excuse me, I'm off to go watch a rerun of The Office.