Folks, here's the deal: 1 Samuel is all about a man named Elkanah and his family. Elkanah had two wives, and one of them, Hannah, wasn't able to have any kids. She was really sad about it and prayed to God for help. See here, Jack, God heard her prayer and eventually gave her a son, whom she named Samuel. Hannah was so grateful that she dedicated Samuel to the service of God at the temple. I'm not joking, my father used to say: "The Lord will make a way, even when it seems like there's no way." That's what happened with Hannah and Samuel. Now, you know, it's not gonna happen, but she promised God that if he gave her a son, she would give him back to God. And that's exactly what she did. So, uh, you know - God answers prayers and his faithfulness never fails. That's what 1 Samuel is all about. No malarkey!