C'mon, man! Listen, Jack, here's the deal. 1 Samuel 23 is one of those chapters that has literally been around since the times of my father. I'm not joking, folks. It's about a man named David, and his mighty prowess in battle. See here, Jack, he and his men were able to defeat the Philistines in Keilah. But then what was that? Oh, right, the Philistines were coming back, so David had to go hide out in the wilderness of Ziph. Or uh, you know, he could've gone to the stronghold of Keilah, but that was not gonna happen. I tell you what, my father used to say, even the bravest of men need to take a break from time to time. Anyway, this Saul guy was trying to hunt him down, but the Lord warned David and he was able to escape Saul's grasp. Excuse me, this is why David said, "You shall not deliver me up into the hand of man!" So, he was able to escape and live another day. No malarkey!