Listen, Jack, here's the deal on 1 Samuel 27. So, David has been running from King Saul, literally, for years and years, and he's been trying to find a place to settle down. So he goes to the Philistines, and they don't trust him, but they let him hang around as long as he does what they say. So he does, and he gets his own little kingdom, and he and his men raid other people, like the Geshurites and the Amalekites. I'm not joking - it's like the Wild West out there. My father used to say, "no malarkey," and David was having none of it. See here, Jack, he was getting pretty successful at it, too. But then the Philistines find out he's been raiding people, and they get mad, but they don't do anything about it. Or uh, you know, all of a sudden, they're totally okay with it. What was that? Anyways, David and his men stay with the Philistines for a good amount of time, and then they decide to go back to Israel. Excuse me, but here's the deal: no matter how hard it was, no matter how much danger, David never forgot where he came from. That's the 1 Samuel 27 way. C'mon, man!