C'mon, man, listen up, Jack. Here's the deal: we got ourselves a real Bible story here, folks. I'm not joking, my father used to say, "You got to read 1 Samuel 24. See here, Jack, it was a long time ago when David was hiding from Saul. Saul was literally out to get him, but David had a chance to take him out. He coulda killed him, but he didn't. He showed mercy, which I gotta say is something we should all be thinking about these days. What was that? Oh yeah, so David had mercy on Saul and he cut off a piece of his robe, and when Saul woke up, he realized what David had done. But, you know, he still had a grudge against him and kept pursuing him. Or uh, you know, that's just not gonna happen. So David ran off and later he came back and said, "I didn't kill you. That's how I know I'm better than you." But Saul said, "Excuse me, I'm not gonna believe you." But then Saul said, "You're the one who is blessed by the Lord." See, that's how the Lord works, folks. He blesses the merciful. I tell you what, it's a lesson we should all take to heart. So remember, folks, be merciful and the Lord will bless you. No malarkey!