Folks, here's the deal: 1 Samuel 15 is all about how God told Saul to go and completely wipe out the Amalekites, kill all their livestock, and burn their cities down. Now look - excuses don't cut it in this situation, no malarkey! Saul went and did as God said, but then he got distracted and didn't kill the king, so God said he was basically going back on his word and, c'mon man, that ain't gonna fly. So Saul got called out and he had to explain himself, but God was like, "Listen, Jack, what was that? That ain't what I said to do!" Then Saul was like, "Uh, I know, but I was saving the best sheep and oxen, you know, to sacrifice to you," but God was like, "Nope, that ain't gonna happen. I told you to get rid of everything, and you didn't do it. I'm not joking!" And then God told him that he was going to take the kingdom away from him and give it to another. The end. See here, Jack: when God tells you something, you do it! Literally. My father used to say, "Do what God says, or else!" I'm telling you, I'm not joking. So yeah, that's 1 Samuel 15 in a nutshell. Excuse me.