Peter: Alright, so 1 Samuel 15 starts off with God telling Saul to attack the Amalekites and destroy everything, but Saul decides to just spare the king and some of the animals.
Lois: Oh, so he's like one of those people who won't kill the spiders in their house?
Brian: Um, no. That's not really the same thing.
Stewie: Anyway, when Samuel learns of this, he scolds Saul for not following God's orders. Saul tries to justify his actions, but Samuel won't have it. He tells Saul that God has rejected him as King, and then Samuel goes on a rampage and kills all the animals Saul had spared.
Bertram: Wow, that's harsh.
Chris: Yeah, I mean, what was the point of that?
Meg: I guess it was to show Saul that he should have followed God's orders no matter what.
Lois: Well, it looks like Saul learned his lesson.