Peter: So, uhh, what was 1 Samuel 19 all about?
Brian: Well, it starts off with Saul trying to kill David again, only this time he sends his men to capture him.
Stewie: Ah, I remember that episode. He sent out like a million guys, and they all failed!
Peter: Yeah, I think they were called the 'Saul-t Squad'?
Brian: That's...not quite right, Peter.
Lois: Anyway, Saul's men failed, so he sent out an evil spirit to torment David.
Stewie: Ugh, like when you get a bad case of the Monday-s?
Brian: No, Stewie, it was an actual evil spirit.
Peter: Oh, like a ghost that only comes out at night?
Lois: No, Peter, it was a spiritual being sent by God to torment David.
Stewie: Ah, like a poltergeist?
Brian: No, Stewie, it was an evil spirit.
Lois: Anyway, David's wife Michal helped him escape the evil spirit by telling Saul that he was sick.
Peter: Like when my doctor told me I had the flu?
Brian: No, Peter, this was a supernatural evil spirit.
Stewie: Ah, like a vampire?
Brian: No, Stewie, it was an evil spirit.