Peter: Alright, so this chapter starts off with Samuel telling the people of Israel to put away their foreign gods, and to give their full allegiance to the Lord.
Lois: Ooh, that's a pretty big ask!
Meg: Yeah, like when I asked my parents for a car and they said no.
Stewie: Yes, and then you did what any reasonable person would do and launched a full-scale rebellion.
Peter: Right, but in this case the people of Israel did what they were asked and got rid of their foreign gods. Then they gathered at Mizpah and Samuel offered a sacrifice to the Lord.
Brian: A sacrifice? Like a goat, or something?
Lois: Yeah, I think so.
Stewie: No, no, no, it was more like a burnt offering. You know, like when you accidentally burn the toast and then offer it up as a sacrifice to the gods of breakfast.
Peter: Anyway, the Lord answered their prayer and defeated the Philistines. And then the people of Israel celebrated by setting up a stone which they called Ebenezer, which means "stone of help".
Lois: Wow, that's a pretty cool story.
Meg: Yeah, kind of like when I got a B+ on that math test and my parents threw me a party!