Peter: Alright, so in 1 Samuel 27, David has to flee from Saul and he goes over to Philistine territory.

Lois: So he's like a refugee?

Peter: Yeah, but he's not exactly welcomed with open arms. The Philistines think he's a spy or somethin', so they tell him to go out and fight bears and lions as some sort of initiation.

Stewie: Ooh, like in that episode of "Game of Thrones" where they make Theon Greyjoy fight a bear!

Brian: Stewie, that's not even close to the same thing.

Peter: Anyway, David does it and he does it so well that the Philistine king, Achish, gives him a town and some land. He even gives him a bunch of soldiers to take with him, so now David's got his own little army.

Lois: Wow, that's quite a turn of events.

Stewie: Yeah, like in that episode of "Seinfeld" where George Costanza gets promoted to company president!