Peter: Alright, let's see what the Bible has for us this week. (Singing) Chapter one, verse one!

Lois: Peter, please save the singing for church.

Peter: Ugh, fine. 1 Samuel 16. So, God tells Samuel to go anoint a new king from the house of Jesse.

Brian: You mean like Jesse Pinkman?

Peter: Nah, he's from Breaking Bad.

Stewie: I don't know what that is.

Brian: It's a show about a meth dealer.

Stewie: Oh, like the one from Breaking Bad?

Brian: No, that's Jesse Pinkman.

Peter: Alright, enough pop culture references. So, Samuel goes and anoints Jesse's youngest son, David, as the new king.

Lois: Wait, so David is the new king?

Peter: Yup! And then God sends an evil spirit to torment Saul, the current king, so Saul calls for David to play the harp and make the spirit go away.

Stewie: Is this like the episode of Family Guy where Stewie plays the harp to make the evil spirit of Brian's old girlfriend go away?

Peter: It's not exactly the same thing, Stewie.