Peter: Alright, so 1 Samuel 2. Let's see here. So, Elkanah and his family have gone to the Lord's temple at Shiloh and Elkanah is offering sacrifices.
Lois: Can I get a sacrifice? Maybe some popcorn and a Diet Coke?
Peter: Sure Lois, I'm sure the Lord won't mind. Anyways, the priest Eli is sitting on a chair by the doorpost of the Lord's temple and he sees Elkanah and his family.
Brian: So, Eli's like, "Hey, what's up Elkanah? Long time no see."
Peter: Yeah, something like that. Eli blesses Elkanah and his family and then he tells Elkanah's wife Hannah that the Lord will give her a son.
Joe: And then Elkanah is all like "Oh, cool. Can I get one too?"
Peter: Yeah, something like that. So, then Hannah prays to the Lord and makes a promise that if the Lord gives her a son, she will give him to the Lord as a Nazarite. And then the Lord keeps his promise, and Hannah gives birth to a son and she names him Samuel.
Quagmire: Wait, so then Elkanah is all like, "Hannah, you got one, can I get one too?"
Peter: Yeah, something like that. So, Hannah gives the boy to Eli to raise him and Hannah makes a song of praise to the Lord and Eli says that the Lord will bless Hannah's family forever.
Cleveland: Hey, so then Elkanah's all like, "Hey, Hannah, can I get a son too?"
Peter: Yeah, something like that. Anyways, and then the Lord blesses Elkanah's family and his house becomes even more powerful than Eli's. The Lord also blesses Hannah with five more sons and two daughters.
Stewie: So, then Elkanah's like, "Hannah, can I get one too? Please? Pleeease?"