Peter: Alright, time for our Bible Summary! So what do we got for 1 Samuel 24?

Lois: Well, David is still hiding out from Saul, and Saul is still trying to hunt him down.

Brian: Bummer.

Stewie: Indeed. But then, Saul goes into a cave and David's men tell him to go in there and kill Saul.

Peter: Wait, so he's trying to kill him?

Lois: Yes, but David refuses and cuts off a piece of Saul's robe instead.

Brian: Wow, David's a real hero.

Stewie: Of course he is, he's the star of the Bible! He then reveals himself to Saul and Saul acknowledges that David is the better man.

Peter: That's a pretty good ending.

Lois: It is indeed. So, in conclusion, 1 Samuel 24 teaches us that even when our enemies are trying to harm us, we should show mercy and act with honor.

Brian: Unless your enemy is the Joker. Then you gotta take him out.

Stewie: Quite right.