Peter: Alright, so this chapter of the Bible is about how Saul is out to get the Philistines, but he only has a small army and no blacksmiths to sharpen their swords, so he's a little bit worried.
Brian: You know who else was worried? That guy from the "Purple People Eater" song.
Peter: Right, so Saul decides he's going to do a sacrifice to God and he's gonna do it with Samuel - the prophet.
Lois: Wait, so he's sacrificing Samuel? That's messed up.
Peter: No, no, no. He's sacrificing an animal, not Samuel.
Stewie: Boooooring.
Peter: Anyways, so Samuel shows up, but he's like, "Hey, what are you doing? You're not supposed to do this, Saul! You have to wait for me!" But Saul's like, "No, I'm gonna do it anyways!"
Brian: Yeah, he's like, "I'm the king, I can do what I want!"
Peter: So then Samuel's like, "Alright, then God's gonna be mad at you and you're gonna lose your kingdom."
Lois: Wow, what a jerk.
Peter: Yeah, so then Saul realizes he messed up, so he tries to cover it up and act like nothing happened, but it's too late.
Stewie: Oh, well. That's pretty much the gist of it.