Batman: "Gotham City is in danger! We've just received word that King Saul has violated a commandment from God by offering a sacrifice himself instead of waiting for the prophet Samuel!
Robin: Holy sacrilege, Batman! What will God do?
Penguin: I know! He'll send his wrath upon King Saul and the people of Israel!
Batman: Not so fast, Penguin! God has mercy and will not do that. Instead, he'll send the Philistines to punish them.
Catwoman: But what can the people of Israel do?
Batman: They must arm themselves and prepare for battle. Saul commands his people to arm themselves, but they only have a few blacksmiths to make the weapons.
Riddler: What will happen if they don't have enough weapons?
Batman: The Philistines will have the upper hand and Israel will be defeated.
Robin: We have to help them, Batman! We have to make sure the Philistines don't win!
Batman: That's right, Robin. We must do all we can to ensure the people of Israel have the weapons they need to fight the Philistines!