Batman: Holy scripture, Robin! We’ve just come to 1 Samuel 29.
Robin: What does it say, Batman?
Batman: Well, the Philistines were preparing for war against Israel, and they summoned all their allies – including King Achish of Gath – to join them.
Catwoman: But why would they want the help of King Achish?
Batman: Because David, the great warrior, was in the Philistine army.
Riddler: So the Philistines were trying to use David’s skills to help them win the battle?
Batman: Exactly. But when the other Philistine rulers saw David, they were angry, because they didn’t trust him. So they told King Achish to send David back.
Robin: But what did King Achish do?
Batman: He let David go and allowed him to return to Ziklag, where he belonged.
Joker: Ha ha ha! That’s a story fit for a Caped Crusader like you, Batman!