Batman: All right, Robin. Let's see what's going on in 1 Samuel 4.
Robin: Right, Batman! It says that the Israelites were fighting the Philistines, and they were losing.
Batman: That's no good. What happened?
Robin: Well, the Israelites thought that if they brought the Ark of the Covenant to the battle, they would win.
Joker: Ha ha ha! That's a good one!
Robin: So they brought the Ark to the battle, but even that didn't help them. The Philistines won and captured the Ark!
Batman: That's terrible. What did the Israelites do?
Robin: Well, when they heard the news, the people were so scared that they ran away. Two of their leaders, Hophni and Phinehas, died in the battle.
Joker: Ha ha ha! What a bunch of losers!
Batman: That's enough, Joker! So then what happened?
Robin: Well, the people were mourning and crying out to the Lord. Then Eli, the priest, died when he heard the news. His daughter-in-law also died in childbirth.
Batman: That's so sad. What happened to the Ark?
Robin: The Philistines brought it back to their own country, but then God struck them with a plague. So they decided to send it back to the Israelites.
Batman: That's a relief. It looks like God has a plan after all.