Batman: Greetings Robin, today we are in the book of 1 Samuel.

Robin: What is it about?

Batman: It’s a story about a giant warrior called Goliath who challenges the Israelites to a duel.

Catwoman: Does anyone accept the challenge?

Batman: Yes, young David steps up to fight Goliath.

Robin: Wow! Is he brave or crazy?

Batman: He's brave, Robin. But Goliath is a giant and David is just a boy.

Penguin: What does David do?

Batman: He declares that he will fight Goliath in the name of the Lord and with a simple slingshot and stone he defeats the giant.

Riddler: How?

Batman: David hits Goliath in the head with the stone and Goliath falls to the ground, dead.

Joker: That’s so awesome!

Robin: And it’s a lesson to us all that God can do amazing things with even the smallest and weakest among us.