Batman: Robin, I'm afraid we may have encountered a foe darker than any we've ever faced before.
Robin: What do you mean, Batman?
Batman: I'm talking about 1 Samuel 28. It tells of a story of a desperate King Saul seeking advice from a medium.
Catwoman: That sounds like a dangerous mission, even for the Dynamic Duo.
Batman: Indeed, Catwoman. Saul wanted to know the outcome of a battle he was about to fight against the Philistines, so he consulted a medium, who summoned the ghost of Samuel, the prophet.
Robin: That's spooky!
Joker: I'm sure it was quite the frightful scene.
Batman: Indeed, Joker. Samuel warned Saul of the dire consequences of his disobedience and warned him that he and his sons would be killed in battle. Saul then accepted his fate and went to battle the Philistines.