Batman: Robin, it appears that the people of Israel have grown tired of being led by Judges, and have asked for a king.
Robin: Holy monarchy, Batman! What did God say?
Batman: Well, God was not pleased with the request, but He still gave them a king. His name was Saul.
Joker: Ha ha ha! A king? That's too funny!
Batman: It may be funny to you, Joker, but it was a serious matter. God warned the people that a king would take their sons and daughters away from them, and would use them for his own purposes. He also warned the people that a king would take their land, their flocks and their herds.
Catwoman: I can't believe they would agree to something like that!
Robin: But they did, Catwoman! They still wanted a king despite all the warnings.
Batman: That's right, Robin. Eventually, God chose Saul to be the first king of Israel.