Batman: So what does this chapter have for us, Robin?
Robin: Well, Batman, it's about Samuel anointing David as the new king of Israel.
Batman: So David is the chosen one then?
Robin: Yes, he was chosen by God. God told Samuel to go to the house of Jesse and pick one of his sons to be the King of Israel.
Joker: Ha ha ha! This is too funny! A young shepherd boy chosen to be king? What a joke!
Batman: Don't underestimate the power of the Lord, Joker. He chose David, and he was the right one for the job.
Robin: That's right, Batman. David was the youngest son, but he was a man after God's own heart.
Catwoman: Interesting. So David was anointed by Samuel and chosen by God to lead the Israelites?
Robin: That's right, Catwoman. He was chosen to be the King of Israel and lead his people.
Batman: Well, it looks like David was the perfect choice for the job. He was brave and wise, and he had a heart for God.