Batman: Robin, we must hurry to the town of Naioth.
Robin: What’s going on, Batman?
Batman: King Saul has been told by his servants that David is at the town of Naioth, and he’s sent out a party of men to capture him.
Joker: Hahaha! I have a feeling that David is in for some trouble!
Batman: Indeed, Joker. But little do they know that every time they try to capture David, the Lord rescues him.
Robin: Wow! How does He do that?
Batman: This time, when they reached Naioth, the Spirit of the Lord came over them and they began to prophesy. Saul heard about it and sent more men, and the same thing happened.
Catwoman: That’s incredible! The power of the Lord!
Batman: Yes, indeed. Saul sent his men three times, and each time the same thing happened. Eventually, Saul gave up and went home.