Listen, Jack, my father used to say, you gotta be careful with the people you trust. I'm not joking, folks -- no malarkey! In 1 Samuel 19, we see this play out. See here, Jack, Saul was out for blood. He wanted to take out David, and he had sent men to watch his house, literally, and kill him. But David's wife, Michal, was smarter than that. She warned David and told him to get out of town, and he did. What was that? He escaped to the house of a prophet named Samuel. Saul wasn't gonna let David get away, so he sent men after him. But when they got to Samuel's house, this is what happened: literally, the Spirit of God came down and overpowered them, so they couldn't do anything. Excuse me, but I tell you what: they were like, frozen in their tracks! So David got away again. Folks, c'mon, man, this is the Bible we're talking about. Not gonna happen, you know. But it did.