Folks, here's the deal. I'm not joking, no malarkey. My father used to say that 1 Samuel 25 tells the story of a man named Nabal. See here, Jack, Nabal was an arrogant rich guy who refused to provide food for David and his men. Excuse me, but David was so mad that he was literally about to attack Nabal's home. But then his wife Abigail stepped in and persuaded David to spare Nabal. She said, "C'mon, man! Don't do something you'll regret later!" So, David agreed and Nabal died a few days later. Or uh, you know, that's what some people say. What was that? Anyway, so David married Abigail in the end. I tell you what, that's a story that teaches us to be humble and generous. Not gonna happen that Nabal's story gets forgotten!