C'mon, man! Here's the deal with 1 Samuel 22 - it's a wild one, folks. See, there's this guy, Doeg the Edomite - he's uh, you know, a bad seed. I'm not joking, no malarkey! He's a real troublemaker, and King Saul knows it. So Doeg, he goes and tells Saul that David is hiding out at the cave of Adullam. Now, Saul's not happy about this, so he sends his men out to go get David. But David's too clever for them - literally - and he escapes. So then Saul sends his men out to the priests of Nob instead. Now, that's no good, because the priests had nothing to do with this. So then Saul orders them to be killed, and Doeg does the deed. My father used to say that you gotta stand up for what's right, but I tell you what, this story ain't about doing the right thing. Excuse me, but that's what happens when you got bad apples like Doeg around - not gonna happen. What was that? The good guys win in the end? Or uh, you know, justice and all that? Nah, that's one of those fairy tales.