Joe: Alright, so let's dive into 1 Samuel 22. Jamie, get ready to Google.
Bible Expert: Sure, so 1 Samuel 22 tells the story of David fleeing to the cave of Adullam.
Joe: Woah, wait a minute. Cave of Adullam? What's that?
Bible Expert: It was a cave in the area of Judah. When David arrived, he was in extreme distress and his family joined him there.
Joe: Alright, so what happened next?
Bible Expert: Well, then a lot of people started to join David in the cave. People who were in debt, in distress, or discontented with the current state of affairs. And soon David had a whole army of 400 men.
Joe: 400 men? That's a lot of people!
Bible Expert: Yes, and then David moved his army to the stronghold of Mizpah, and Saul heard about it and tried to hunt down David. But Saul's army was unable to find him.
Joe: That's pretty crazy. So what did David do then?
Bible Expert: Well, he stayed at Mizpah and people from all around the area came to him for advice and help. He also had his son Jonathan come to him and Jonathan pledged his allegiance to David.
Joe: Interesting. So what happened after that?
Bible Expert: Well, Saul eventually gave up his search for David and he went back home. And David, with his ever-growing army, stayed at the stronghold of Mizpah.