Joe: Alright, so we've got our Bible expert on the show, what's the chapter and book we're talking about today?

Expert: Today we're talking about 1 Samuel 3.

Joe: Alright, let's get to it.

Expert: Well, this chapter opens with the Lord calling out to Samuel while he is sleeping and he doesn't understand what is happening.

Joe: Whoa, wait a minute! The Lord calling out to him? So, like God himself?

Expert: Yes, God actually spoke to Samuel directly.

Joe: Wow, this is getting intense.

Expert: So, then Eli, the priest, realizes what is happening and tells Samuel to respond to the Lord's call. Samuel does as he is told and God speaks to him again, telling him that he will judge Eli and his family for not disciplining their sons.

Joe: Whoa, so God was not happy with Eli?

Expert: Right, so Eli has two sons, Hophni and Phinehas, who are priests and they have been doing wrong in the eyes of the Lord and Eli has not disciplined them.

Joe: So, what happened next?

Expert: Well, God tells Samuel that he will begin to make his name great among the people and that the word of the Lord will be heard throughout Israel. He also tells him that his words will not be ignored.

Joe: Alright, so what is the lesson from this chapter?

Expert: The lesson from this chapter is that God's word should not be ignored and that it is important to follow God's commands. It also shows that God is willing to judge those who do not heed his words.