Well folks, in 1 Samuel 3, you've got a kid named Samuel who's apprenticed to a priest named Eli. And Eli's got two sons who are priestly assistants and they're not so hot at their job. So God calls out to Samuel in the middle of the night, and Samuel is like, "Here I am!" and Eli's like, "Go back to sleep, I didn't call you." Anyway, this goes on a few times, then Eli finally figures out that God is talking to the kid, and he's like, "Oh, okay, I get it." So God tells Samuel that He's gonna do something bad to Eli and his sons, and Samuel's like, "Oh, tell me more!" And then God does, and Samuel goes and tells Eli, and Eli's like, "Yeah, okay. Better not keep God waiting." So God does what He said He was gonna do, and Samuel's like, "See kids, this is why you shouldn't mess with God." The end.