Hey, it's Norm MacDonald here with an update on the Bible. So, in 1 Samuel 6, the Philistines are freaking out because they've been cursed by the Lord. They've been sending the Ark of the Covenant back to the Israelites, with all sorts of offerings, hoping that it'll appease the Lord. But it doesn't work. They get a bunch of cows and cows with calves, and they put them in a cart. They then put the Ark of the Covenant in the cart, and it starts heading toward Israel. But then, something totally wild happens—the Ark starts shaking, and the cows start running away. The Philistines are like, "What the heck is going on?” Eventually, they figure out that it's the Lord's doing, and they decide to make a golden image of a god and put it in the cart with the Ark. And it works—the Ark stops shaking and the cows stop running away. Moral of the story: don't mess with the Lord.