Oh, boy, talk about a wild chapter in 1 Samuel! It starts with Saul and his men hunting down David, trying to kill him - again. But then David, like the sly fox he is, sneaks into Saul's camp and sneaks off with his spear and water jug. On his way out, he overhears Saul and Abner talking and realizes Saul is too scared to go after him himself. So, David takes the opportunity to call out to Saul, basically just saying "Hey, Saul, why don't you just give up and go home? I could have killed you but you are too scared to fight me!" Saul, of course, is embarrassed, and he and Abner realize David is right - Saul should just give up and go home. In the end, Saul does just that, and David walks away unscathed. What a guy!