Listen up, new recruits! This is 1 Samuel 26. Here's the skinny--Saul's been chasing David for a while now and this time he's in the hill country of Ziph. David and his men are hiding in the wilderness of Maon. Saul and his men, on the other hand, are camped in the area of the hill country of Ziph, close to where David and his men are hiding. So, Ahimelech the Hittite and Abishai, David's nephew, go out at night and sneak into Saul's camp. They find Saul sleeping, surrounded by his men. Abishai suggests that they should kill Saul, but David stops him, saying that he should not kill the Lord's anointed. So, Abishai takes Saul's spear and his water jug and brings them back to David. David calls out to Saul and tells him that he had the opportunity to kill him but chose not to because Saul was the Lord's anointed. Saul acknowledges that David is not guilty and that the Lord has put him in the wrong this time. At the end of the chapter, Saul repents and turns away from his pursuit of David. That's all for 1 Samuel 26. Now, move it!