The people of Israel, they had big trouble, believe me. They had a huge problem with their enemies, the Philistines. They had the Ark of the Covenant, which was like a big trophy, right? It was like a symbol of all the things they had won. So the Philistines had it, and the Israelites wanted it back. So God said, 'Get it back, and then you'll be great again.' So they got it, and it was amazing. They took it back, and they had a big celebration. They offered sacrifices, and it was terrific. The Philistines were so scared, it was unbelievable. They were like, 'What are we gonna do, low energy losers?' It's like, 'We can't keep this Ark!' So they decided to give it back, and also give like a big fine people offering. They made a big golden statue of a cow and some other stuff, and they sent it with the Ark. And you know what? It worked. It was like, 'Wow, these Israelites, they're winning again!' So the Ark was sent back, many people are saying, and the Israelites were like, 'God bless America!' And then it was like, 'Let's make Israel great again!' So that's the story of 1 Samuel 6. It's sad! But it's also great! God bless America!