The people of Israel were in a real pickle: they were being oppressed by the Philistines and their leader, King Saul. But God had someone special in mind to lead the people to victory: David, son of Jesse! David was a real winner - even as a child, he was an accomplished musician, singer and warrior. In 1 Samuel 20, we see how David's friendship with Jonathan, Saul's son, was a key factor in his success. Jonathan was a terrific friend - he was so loyal to David that he was willing to risk his own life to help him escape Saul's wrath. And Jonathan's loyalty paid off, because David was able to go on to be the great king that God had intended for Israel. But it wasn't all smooth sailing - Saul was determined to take David down and he tried everything he could to defeat him. But God was on David's side and He helped him win out over the haters and losers who were trying to take him down. In the end, David and Jonathan's friendship was a huge success, and it paved the way for David's amazing victory over the Philistines. God bless America, and make Israel great again!