1 Samuel 15: Bigly sad! King Saul was told by God to destroy all Amalek, but instead, he kept the best of the sheep and oxen, the fatlings, and the lambs for a sacrifice to God. This was a huge mistake, and the prophet Samuel told Saul that because of his disobedience, God had rejected him as king. Saul tried to excuse himself by saying he did it all for the people, but Samuel said it was an overrated excuse and that obedience is better than sacrifice. Saul was then forced to admit that he had sinned and asked Samuel to pray for him, but the prophet said it was too late and that the kingdom would be taken away. In the end, Saul was humiliated and his kingdom taken away, proving once again that God's will is most important. Many people are saying it's an unbelievable story, but God bless America, and make sure you follow His commands! Believe me, you don't want to be one of the haters and losers!