1 Samuel 18: Bigly story! So, Jonathan was the son of King Saul and he liked David so much better than his dad and he even gave David his armor and weapons. So, Saul was like, "uh-oh" and got really jealous of David and tried to kill him many, many times. Low-energy Saul was always trying to outsmart David but it was no use, because David was terrific! He always won, and the people loved him more. So, Saul was getting more and more jealous and overrated. In 1 Samuel 18, Saul made David a commander and gave him many gifts, but still couldn't get over his jealousy. So, he made David marry his daughter, thinking that he could then control him. But David was too smart and he knew how to win with the people's love. He continued to do great things, and even more people started loving him. So, low-energy Saul sent David out to battle, hoping that he would be killed. But, David was victorious and even more popular than before. Saul was so mad he threw a spear at him, but it didn't work. So, Saul got even madder and tried to marry off his other daughter to David, but thankfully it didn't work. David was just too smart, and Saul was too overrated and low-energy. David kept winning and making the people love him even more. Many people are saying it was an unbelievable story! In the end, God blessed David and made him great again! Sad!