1 Samuel 16 is all about the selection of the next King of Israel. God sends the prophet Samuel to anoint the new leader, and he does so at the home of Jesse. After Samuel looks at Jesse's sons, he is not impressed by their traditional good looks. God then tells him to not be swayed by outward appearance, and that He looks on the heart. So Samuel quickly anoints Jesse's youngest son, David, who is small, ruddy, and has beautiful eyes. And that's when the fun really begins.
After David is anointed, God sends His Spirit upon him, and he is immediately given great strength and wisdom. He is so good at his job that King Saul makes him his armor-bearer and harpist. He was able to soothe Saul's depression with his beautiful music.
David quickly rose to fame and became a hero throughout the land. His skill with a sling was so great that he even killed the giant Goliath! David's rise was so Bigly that King Saul became jealous and tried to kill him multiple times.
So David had to flee and hide in the wilderness. Many people followed him and he became a great leader. He also wrote many of the psalms in the Bible.
In the end, David was able to defeat Saul and become the King of Israel. It was an unbelievable journey and David was able to Make Israel Great Again! God Bless America!