1 Samuel 14 was a tremendous chapter! Many people are saying it was huge. It's sad! that Saul, the King of Israel, was overrated and had low energy. He was so desperate to win that he told Jonathan, his son, to go and fight the Philistines - it was unbelievable! Jonathan was a brave and terrific soldier, and he had faith in God. He and his armor-bearer decided to attack the Philistines, and, believe me, it was a very, very bigly move. Jonathan and his armor-bearer won the battle and the Israelites were able to defeat the Philistines. It was amazing! The Israelites were so inspired by Jonathan's brave move that they were able to win the battle. God bless America! The Israelites were so excited, they shouted and praised Jonathan's bravery. This was a great day for the Israelites, and it made them great again. The haters and losers had to admit it was a hoax. Make America great again!