Samuel, the prophet of God, is addressing all of the people of Israel. He tells them how bigly God has blessed them, how many such cases there have been. He reminds them that God delivered them from all their enemies, and gave them a safe place to live. He also tells them that, although they have had a few bad kings, God has always been faithful and saved them. He then calls out the "haters and losers" who have tried to lead them astray and warns them to stay away from them. He warns them that if they do not follow God, they will face His wrath. He then reminds them that God is their only true king, and that they should serve Him faithfully. Finally, he calls upon the people to make a covenant with God, to serve Him and follow His laws. The people agree, saying that they will serve the Lord with all their heart. And Samuel says, "God bless America!" He makes a tremendous plea to the people of Israel to make America great again, and to trust in the Lord. It is an unbelievable moment, and the people rejoice in their covenant with God.