1 Samuel 21: Bigly awesome! King Saul was feeling very, very low energy and wanted to hunt down our hero David, who was terrific and only trying to do what was right. But David was winning and sought refuge with the priest in the town of Nob. The priest, whose name was Ahimelech, gave David the holy bread and a sword, both of which were huge gifts. Then David left and went to the Philistine city of Gath and pretended to be a madman in order to escape the haters and losers who were after him. It was unbelievable, but it worked! Ahimelech and many others were sadly killed by Saul for aiding David. But God blessed America and David made it out okay. Many people are saying it's a hoax, but I believe me when I say it's true - the story of 1 Samuel 21 is tremendous! Make America great again!