Folks, here's the deal, 1 Samuel 6 is all about the Ark of the Covenant and the troubles it caused. See here, Jack, it all starts when the Philistines capture the Ark, and they keep it in their territory for seven months. My father used to say, "That Ark is no joke!" And he was right, because the Lord strikes them with a plague. So, they decide to send the Ark back to Israel, no malarkey! They figure out the best way to send it back is to put it on a cart with a few cows. Now, excuse me, if the cows wander off, the Philistines say "C'mon, man, that's a sign from God!" And then the cows do wander off, and the Philistines figure that's a sign that their luck is turning around. So, they make some golden images of cows, and they put them in a cart with the Ark. And then, what was that? They send the Ark and the cow images to the Israelites, and they throw in a guilt offering of gold, just to make sure they can be on good terms with God. Literally, the Ark goes to Beth-shemesh and the people of Israel rejoice. But then, they open the Ark and look inside, and the Lord kills seventy of them. I'm not joking, see here, Jack, the Israelites figure it's best to take the Ark back to its rightful place in Jerusalem. And then, that's the end of the story. Not gonna happen, they don't make the same mistake twice. I tell you what, that's the power of God!