Listen, Jack, c'mon man, here's the deal about 1 Samuel 5. So, the Philistines captured the Ark of God from the Israelites and took it to Ashdod, and put it in the temple of their god, Dagon. Now, get this, the next morning, the people of Ashdod look and Dagon has fallen on his face before the Ark of the Lord. So they put him back, the next morning it's fallen again, only this time, it's head and hands have broken off and are on the threshold! So they're like, whoa, what was that? Not gonna happen again, folks, so they decided to move the Ark to Gath. But then, no malarkey, the Lord's hand came on the people of Gath and the city and all its people were afflicted with tumors. So they sent the Ark off to Ekron, and the same thing happened there, so the Philistines called for the priests and diviners, and they said, "what shall we do with the Ark of the Lord?" And they said, "Send it back to Israel, and if you don't, you'll suffer more plagues." So they sent it, and the Lord afflicted the men of Beth Shemesh, who looked into the Ark. But then, see here, Jack, my father used to say, the Lord blessed the people of Beth Shemesh and the Ark stayed there until it was taken to the house of Abinadab. So, literally, folks, that's the deal with 1 Samuel 5. Or uh, you know, I'm not joking, I tell you what, no malarkey!