Folks, listen up. Here's the deal. My father used to say, ‘No malarkey’ when it comes to the Bible, and this chapter is no exception. See here, Jack, it starts out with David and his men coming back to their home in Ziklag after a battle. And what was that? The town was burned down and their families were taken by the Amalekites. Well, I tell you what, David and his men were so angry they were literally crying! But then they got it together, and David asked God what to do. And God said, ‘Go after them.’ So, they did. The Israelites found the Amalekites and defeated them in battle, rescuing their families and all their stuff. And c'mon, man, it just gets better. They also got all kinds of other stuff - like sheep, oxen, donkeys and stuff - and brought it back to the town. Then David divided up the stuff and shared it with everyone. So, yeah, it was a happy ending. Not gonna happen like that today, excuse me.