Folks! Here's the deal, 1 Samuel Chapter 9 starts with a man named Kish from the tribe of Benjamin who had a son named Saul. Kish was looking for his donkeys, so he sent Saul and a servant to look for them. Well, they couldn't find them, so they asked around and some folks told them to go see the prophet Samuel. So, Saul and his servant went to see Samuel, who no malarkey! just happened to be in town. He told Saul he was going to be the new king of Israel. So the next day, they had a big feast and sacrifice, and Saul was officially anointed the first King of Israel. C'mon man! It was a big deal! My father used to say, "You can't fight destiny". Or uh, you know, you can try, but it's not gonna happen. I tell you what, Saul was a great King, and it was all thanks to Samuel. See here, Jack, God works in mysterious ways, literally!