Batman: Robin, I've been monitoring the movements of King Saul.
Robin: What's the situation, Batman?
Batman: Saul has been anointed as King by the prophet Samuel and God has given him a new heart. Saul is now setting out on a mission to spread justice throughout the land.
Catwoman: But of course, that's where I come in!
Batman: Not this time, Catwoman. Saul is doing the right thing, and we must support him.
Robin: What happens next, Batman?
Batman: Saul is joined by a group of prophets and they have a prophetic experience. They then go to a town called Gibeah, where Saul is met with cheers and celebration.
Riddler: What an exciting turn of events!
Batman: Indeed it is, Riddler. Saul's mission is further supported by God, who gives him the power to be a successful leader.
Robin: It's a miracle!
Batman: It certainly is, Robin. Now let's make sure that Saul continues to do the right thing and lead the people of Israel to justice and prosperity.