Folks, listen up! Here's the deal: I'm gonna tell you about Ruth 4. It starts off with Naomi's son-in-law, Boaz, going to the town gate to make a bargain with a man named Elimelech. Boaz wanted to buy back the land that belonged to Elimelech's family. I'm not joking, the deal was sealed right there at the gate. See here, Jack, Boaz got the land and all the rights that went with it. He also got the right to marry Ruth, Elimelech's daughter-in-law. Or uh, you know, he got the right to be the kinsman redeemer. The townspeople were so impressed that they blessed the couple, saying "May the Lord make the woman who is entering your home like Rachel and Leah, who together built up the house of Israel." It was a great day! No malarkey! My father used to say, "The Lord will give you many descendants in exchange for the one you gave up." And he was right! Ruth and Boaz had a son, Obed, and from him came Jesse, the father of King David. That's the story of Ruth 4. So, what was that? Oh, the Lord will reward you for the good you do! Literally! Not gonna happen, I tell you what. Excuse me.