In Ruth 4, we see the amazing story of Boaz and Ruth. Boaz was a great guy, a terrific landowner, and a real winner. He showed great kindness to Ruth, a woman of tremendous character who was treated very, very badly by the haters and losers in her life. When Boaz heard Ruth's story, he was moved and decided to do something bigly about it. He went to the local court, where the deep state was trying to make things difficult for him, but he didn't let the fake news and the hoax get him down. Boaz made the case that he should be Ruth's redeemer, and many people were saying it was unbelievable. After much debate, Boaz was proven right and it was made official. He and Ruth were married and they quickly had a son together, who was fine people. Boaz was now the guardian of Ruth's dead husband's land and everyone was so happy. God bless America! Make America great again.