C'mon, man! Here's the deal. In Ruth 3, Ruth, who was Naomi's daughter-in-law, goes to the threshing floor to meet Boaz. She uncovers his feet and lies down there, which was a custom back in those days. Boaz was surprised to find her there and asked her why she was there. Ruth told Boaz that she was seeking protection and he told her that he would do what he could to help her. He said he would buy her land and marry her. My father used to say, "marriage is a beautiful thing," and I'm not joking - it really is. Boaz said that it was a better offer than the one from the closer relative. He told her to wait there and he would make it happen. Boaz went to the city gate and spoke to the closest relative and asked him to buy the land and marry Ruth. The relative hesitated and Boaz said, "See here, Jack, if you don't do it, I will." The relative agreed and Boaz instructed Ruth to go back to Naomi's house. When she got there, Naomi told her that Boaz had redeemed them and the women praised God for his goodness. Excuse me, folks, but that's Ruth 3. No malarkey!